_________ __ __ / _____// |_____________ _/ |______ ____ __ __ ______ \_____ \\ __\_ __ \__ \\ __\__ \ / ___\| | \/ ___/ / \| | | | \// __ \| | / __ \_/ /_/ > | /\___ \ /_______ /|__| |__| (____ /__| (____ /\___ /|____//____ > \/ \/ \//_____/ \/ ______________________ ______________________ T H E W A R B E G I N S Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
This is the complete list of members for CMapFieldPlayerInfo, including all inherited members.
CMapFieldPlayerInfo() | CMapFieldPlayerInfo | inline |
IsExplored(const CPlayer &player) const | CMapFieldPlayerInfo | |
IsTeamVisible(const CPlayer &player) const | CMapFieldPlayerInfo | |
IsVisible(const CPlayer &player) const | CMapFieldPlayerInfo | |
Radar | CMapFieldPlayerInfo | |
RadarJammer | CMapFieldPlayerInfo | |
SeenTile | CMapFieldPlayerInfo | |
TeamVisibilityState(const CPlayer &player) const | CMapFieldPlayerInfo | |
VisCloak | CMapFieldPlayerInfo | |
Visible | CMapFieldPlayerInfo |