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    ______________________                           ______________________
                          T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
                   Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine

Namespaces | Functions | Variables
linedraw.cpp File Reference
#include "stratagus.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "intern_video.h"




static void linedraw_sdl::VideoDoDrawPixel16 (Uint32 color, int x, int y)
void linedraw_sdl::VideoDrawPixel16 (Uint32 color, int x, int y)
static void linedraw_sdl::VideoDoDrawPixel32 (Uint32 color, int x, int y)
void linedraw_sdl::VideoDrawPixel32 (Uint32 color, int x, int y)
static void linedraw_sdl::VideoDoDrawTransPixel16 (Uint32 color, int x, int y, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::VideoDrawTransPixel16 (Uint32 color, int x, int y, unsigned char alpha)
static void linedraw_sdl::VideoDoDrawTransPixel32 (Uint32 color, int x, int y, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::VideoDrawTransPixel32 (Uint32 color, int x, int y, unsigned char alpha)
static void linedraw_sdl::VideoDoDrawPixelClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawPixelClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y)
static void linedraw_sdl::VideoDoDrawTransPixelClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawTransPixelClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawVLine (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int height)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawTransVLine (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int height, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawVLineClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int height)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawTransVLineClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int height, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawHLine (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int width)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawHLineClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int width)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawTransHLine (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int width, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawTransHLineClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int width, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawLine (Uint32 color, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawLineClip (Uint32 color, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawTransLine (Uint32 color, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, unsigned char)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawTransLineClip (Uint32 color, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, unsigned char)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawRectangle (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int w, int h)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawRectangleClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int w, int h)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawTransRectangle (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawTransRectangleClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::FillRectangle (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int w, int h)
void linedraw_sdl::FillRectangleClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int w, int h)
void linedraw_sdl::FillTransRectangle (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::FillTransRectangleClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawCircle (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int r)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawTransCircle (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int r, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawCircleClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int r)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawTransCircleClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int r, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::DrawEllipseClip (Uint32 color, int xc, int yc, int rx, int ry)
void linedraw_sdl::FillCircle (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int r)
void linedraw_sdl::FillTransCircle (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int r, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::FillCircleClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int r)
void linedraw_sdl::FillTransCircleClip (Uint32 color, int x, int y, int r, unsigned char alpha)
void linedraw_sdl::InitLineDraw ()
 Init line draw. More...


void(* linedraw_sdl::VideoDrawPixel )(Uint32 color, int x, int y)
static void(* linedraw_sdl::VideoDoDrawPixel )(Uint32 color, int x, int y)
void(* linedraw_sdl::VideoDrawTransPixel )(Uint32 color, int x, int y, unsigned char alpha)
static void(* linedraw_sdl::VideoDoDrawTransPixel )(Uint32 color, int x, int y, unsigned char alpha)

linedraw.cpp - The general linedraw functions.

#define ClipCodeInside   0
#define ClipCodeAbove   1
#define ClipCodeBelow   2
#define ClipCodeLeft   4
#define ClipCodeRight   8
void InitLineDraw ()
 Init line draw. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ ClipCodeAbove

#define ClipCodeAbove   1

◆ ClipCodeBelow

#define ClipCodeBelow   2

◆ ClipCodeInside

#define ClipCodeInside   0

Bitmask, denoting a position left/right/above/below clip rectangle (mainly used by VideoDrawLineClip)

◆ ClipCodeLeft

#define ClipCodeLeft   4

◆ ClipCodeRight

#define ClipCodeRight   8

Function Documentation

◆ InitLineDraw()

void InitLineDraw ( )

Init line draw.

Initialize line draw

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